True Cloud Platform

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At Good Web Business Hosting., we are proud of employing a true shared website hosting platform – every service is taken care of by a different physical machine, so that your websites will invariably load quickly even if the system is under excessive load. This cloud web hosting system was fully developed by us with scalability and dependability in mind, and is backed up by a ninety–nine point nine percent uptime guarantee.

True Cloud Platform

Data Backups

Your sites are completely backed–up with us

We make back–up copies of your site content frequently, which implies that you never risk losing your own personal website files, applications, databases, e–mail messages, etc. due to hack assaults or involuntary deletions on your end. Moreover, thanks to the File Manager which is accessibly incorporated into the Web Control Panel, you could create manual back–up copies of all your site content whenever you want. Just mark and archive the file(s) you wish to back up and our system will save it for you in the location you’ve indicated.

Data Backups

Web Hosting Control Panel

Website control rendered simple and quick

Site handling has been now made much simpler. The point ’n’ click Web Control Panel puts all typical website administration tasks at your fingertips. You can upload any type of documents using simple drag ’n’ drop actions, manage all the settings of your domains and websites from just a single place, transfer and register multiple domain names, create and control numerous electronic mail accounts, control e–mail marketing campaigns, set up databases, get SSL Certificates to protect your clients, etc.. Exhaustive stats will keep you up–to–date with all visits and actions on your web sites.

Web Hosting Control Panel

Multiple Data Centers

Always offer the best web site load speeds for your website visitors

The datacenter location has a direct influence on your site’s load speed, hence, by picking out a datacenter facility that’s near to your clients, you can really guarantee the smoothest web experience for them. We provide you with a selection of datacenters on 3 different continents – Colohouse in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.; UK Servers in Coventry, United Kingdom, Ficolo in Pori, Finland, S3 in Sofia, Bulgaria and Amaze in Sydney, Australia. Each of them offers a stable and secure shared website hosting environment with a twenty–four–seven server monitoring service and a ninety–nine point nine percent network uptime guarantee.

Multiple Data Centers